October 2011 6th Visit to Hospital - Toronto Hospital for Sick Kids

On October 16, 2011, Stephanie experienced her very first airplane ride!  We left Manitoba and headed for Toronto Sick Kids Hospital in Ontario, Canada.  Her neurologist had exhausted all her resources and was unable to come up with any reasonable explanation as to Stephanie's conditions and thought it was best to get another team to take a look at Stephanie.

We  spent almost 2 weeks in Toronto.  During this time Stephanie underwent an MRI, a lumbar puncture, bloodwork and genetic testing.  It was determined by the end of our stay that the seizure activity could said to be due to her genetic condition, Mosaic Trisomy 15.  The Intracranial Hypertension still had no known cause that they could link to.  They didn't believe the two conditions (seizures and IH) were related to one common cause such as tumor or infection etc.

So home we went again, but not before Steph got to meet Avril Lavigne who came to visit the sick kids in the hospital!

 Sunday, October 16, 2011 - Stephanie's very first plane ride.  We were just heading down the runway during this picture.  She did extremely well and found most of it fascinating.

Stephanie enjoying the playroom in her wing of the hospital.  The volunteers were so great with Stephanie and we were able to do a lot of crafts and play with Barbies.

Time for sleep...

Stephanie "bed dancing"...lol.  She loves listening to music and we happened  to be waiting hours and hours for her lumbar puncture...so she decided she would take things into her own hands to pass the time.

Stephanie curiouly inspecting her IV.

What a great time we had making feather masks.  The best part was that Stephanie actually LET me put this one on her while I took a few pics.  She found it awkward trying to look through the eye holes and was literally crossing her eyes!  Too cute and a great memory.

Meeting Miss Avril Lavigne in Toronto Sick Kids Hospital!

Recovering from general anesthesia after MRI.

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